Create rich interactive pages within minutes
Front-end editing for Joomla
Front-end Article Creation
Editor XTD Plugin
Front-end Editing Suite
Front-end Toolbar
Content approval

By following the email link, the publisher can go straight to the article to review and edit it.
Approve & Publish Reject

User permissions
Content reviewing
Authors can create only, while Editors can create, review, edit and approve.
When a page or article is submitted, it's pooled for review before being published.
This is done on the front-end, reducing the learning curve for staff or volunteers while ensuring the system's back-end management is kept private.

Ark Front-end Editing Suite package
Everything you need for your business' website
Joomla! 4 compatible
Ark Editor Pro
Ark Front-end Editing Suite
Technical Support
Setup Service
Front-end Article Creation
Add Menu Editor XTD plugin
Integrates with Inline editing
Create Menu on every page
New Joomla 4 Media Manager
15% Renewal discounts
Frequently Asked Questions
All our products come with a 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our product, we will provide a full refund. We would ask that you delete our software from your storage devices and/or uninstall it from your website and that you let us know that you have done this.
To ask for a refund, simply submit your request for a refund through our Contact Form. Select 'Accounts' and provide us with your billing details and we will see that you get a refund.
You are granted permission to use our products on more than one domain and there are no restrictions in place however, our commercial software updates and support is limited to the domain(s) that you have registered with and for the length of your subscription.
For help with any of our products please feel welcome to ‘Ask a Question’ in our support area. Our support team will be pleased to help you from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm GMT.
The extension will remain fully functional and you can continue to use the extension without restrictions however, after expiration of your subscription you will no longer be able to download new releases and request support.
All our extensions are released under the GPLv2 License (
If not otherwise stated in the copyright notice all non-code files such as images, icon fonts, cascading style sheets (CSS) and included JavaScript are NOT GPL and are released under the WEBXSOLUTION LTD Proprietary License.
Elements of the extensions released under the WEBXSOLUTION LTD Proprietary license may not be redistributed or repackaged for use other than those allowed by the Terms of Service.
You are authorized to make any modification(s) to WEBXSOLUTION LTD extension PHP code.
In accordance with the WEBXSOLUTION LTD Proprietary License, you may not release any proprietary files (modified or otherwise) under the GPL license. The terms of this license and the GPL v2 prohibit the removal of the copyright information from any file.
The ARK Extensions branding, logo’s, names are trademarks and Intellectual Property of WebxSolution Ltd.